A blog established to keep all interested parties informed about what is going on with The Elite Brothers & Sisters of the NBOBA Inc, and interact with us.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
NBOBA at Millions More Movement
On Saturday October 16th, the N.B.O.B.A's Wayne State Chapter Chief of Staff Dennis Thompson and President Darryl Tucker atteneded the historic Millions More Movement.
The atmosphere at the Movement was one of love and harmony as brothers and sisters from around the country gathered in unison to listen to our leaders address our concerns. Everyone was addressing each other with terms of honor and respect and there was an overall mindset of seriousness and positivity. Mr. Louis Farrakhan was the keynote speaker and once he reached the podium everyones eyes were glued into the big screen televisions. He spoke eloquently about our concerns as a peopole as well as providing strategic solutions for us to do within our respective communities. This was espicially fulfilling because it corroborated the mission of the N.B.O.B.A. involving actual action within the community. One will never cease to hear people articulate the ills within our commmunity but few are willing to roll up their sleeves and take action to bring change. With sincere love for yourself and your people this should come naturally. A great man, brother Malcom X once said "Power never takes a back step only in the face of more power", and power is a result of unification.
Friday, October 21, 2005
The 4th Annual State of the Black Youth in the New Millennium Convention
On Friday November 18, 2005 the NBOBA inc will be hosting our 4th Annual State of the Black Youth in the New Millennium Convention at Wayne Satae University. It will be held in General Lectures Auditorium from 6p-9p. Free tickets are available in the Dean of Students office in the Student Center Building on the 3rd floor in room 351.
Keynote speaker: Afeni Shakur
Guest speakers:
Mohammed Luwemba (Founder of NBOBA inc)
Judge Wade McCree (Racial disparities at 36th district court)
Judge Debbie Thomas (Black Youth and the Law)
Dennis Thompson (NBOBA, Chief of Staff) The effects of the Willy Lynch Doctrine
Brother Shamsadeen (fortifying the moral fiber of Black Youth)
for more info or to get tickets for groups call 313-259-7579
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Clarification & corroboration
I would like everyone who visits this web page to read all of my posts, in addition to the posts in the archives on the left, as well as all of the comments under each post. I would like you to do this because many people seem to believe our organization is based on hate, particularly hatred of white people. No where on this site or in any article I have been in have I ever stated a hatred for any group of people. However the fact that people think our organization hates only corroborates the stance I have made in the past, which is many paranoid and uninformed individuals feel uncompromising Black love equates to fascism, and uncompromising Black loyalty equates to finaticism. I wonder why so many people, specifically some whites and ignorant brain washed "negroes" along with others feel so threatened by a pro-Black organization? I think it is because they are not used to hearing young Black men articulate the concerns of our community without worrying about if a white person gets offended or anyone else. In addition many of these MTV youths are only accustomed to seeing Black men in one image which does not entail galvanzing our community. Therefore I can understand their fear. You see Black people I truly believe that when we love ourselves those who have traditionally been our antagonist(people who established and implement a philosophy of white supremacy) naturaly assume we will in turn hate them. Just as it is beneficial for an abuser to have a mate who does not love herself because she will be less likely to understand she is being abused, however once she begins to love herself and not worry about the opinions of others specifically her antagonizer will she then be able to alleviate the ills of her situation. In turn the abuser loses power and begins to equate her increased self esteem, self love, and empowerment to threatening behavior because it equates to a loss of power for him. The same thing is happening with the NBOBA. Because we are empowering our community without concern for the opinions of talkers those who are comfortable only seeing our people pacified begin to get threatened.
We do this because we love you Black people. I still do not apologize for anything I have said on this page. The NBOBA will be hosting our first of many unity groups this Friday October 21st at 7pm on the second floor of the student Center building in the President's room.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
We love it/not hard 2 find
Please continue to leave whatever you would like on this blog in regards to the activities of the NBOBA. The more positivity we get the better. The more negativity even better, because it just corroborates the fact that many Europeans along with their negroe lackeys and others who are mentally white washed hate to see Black men with an uncompromising passion and love for our people. The negative comments also helps us gain more members and supporters because they see we are being attacked because we love our people. I know Black people uniting and not compromising when it comes to our advancement in all realms of society makes mentally, and physically deficient people extremely scared and that is great. By the way I am not at all hard to find please come to meet me outside the mosque on Cass and Forest every Friday at 2:15pm and I will be happy to chat with anyone who has something to say to me.
Monday, October 10, 2005
A traitor amongst us
First of all let me say that the comments left by me on this site yesterday did not reflect the views of our organization as a whole. It only represented the views of certain high ranking officials including me, and I do not apologize for it. In addition I still stand by those comments. My only regret is we have to retalliate with words towards another Black person rather than use words to come together. However I must let it be known any time this organization is attacked in any way wether verbally,in manuscript, politically or otherwise there will be a swift and equitable response. Also official supporters and members do not forget about the mandatory meetig this Wednesday October 12 at 7p on the 3rd floor of the Purdy Kresgy Librbrary. I also still personally feel the female I wrote about who slandered our organization is still extremely misguided and a discredit to the Black community just like the pic on the left.
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