Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Clarification & corroboration

I would like everyone who visits this web page to read all of my posts, in addition to the posts in the archives on the left, as well as all of the comments under each post. I would like you to do this because many people seem to believe our organization is based on hate, particularly hatred of white people. No where on this site or in any article I have been in have I ever stated a hatred for any group of people. However the fact that people think our organization hates only corroborates the stance I have made in the past, which is many paranoid and uninformed individuals feel uncompromising Black love equates to fascism, and uncompromising Black loyalty equates to finaticism. I wonder why so many people, specifically some whites and ignorant brain washed "negroes" along with others feel so threatened by a pro-Black organization? I think it is because they are not used to hearing young Black men articulate the concerns of our community without worrying about if a white person gets offended or anyone else. In addition many of these MTV youths are only accustomed to seeing Black men in one image which does not entail galvanzing our community. Therefore I can understand their fear. You see Black people I truly believe that when we love ourselves those who have traditionally been our antagonist(people who established and implement a philosophy of white supremacy) naturaly assume we will in turn hate them. Just as it is beneficial for an abuser to have a mate who does not love herself because she will be less likely to understand she is being abused, however once she begins to love herself and not worry about the opinions of others specifically her antagonizer will she then be able to alleviate the ills of her situation. In turn the abuser loses power and begins to equate her increased self esteem, self love, and empowerment to threatening behavior because it equates to a loss of power for him. The same thing is happening with the NBOBA. Because we are empowering our community without concern for the opinions of talkers those who are comfortable only seeing our people pacified begin to get threatened.
We do this because we love you Black people. I still do not apologize for anything I have said on this page. The NBOBA will be hosting our first of many unity groups this Friday October 21st at 7pm on the second floor of the student Center building in the President's room.


Gabriel said...

this is a test.

Anonymous said...

Greetings brothers and sisters. Operation Race Restoration is in full effect! The time has passed for us to reclaim our once glorious position within worldly affairs. Stay encouraged and keep the faith, we shall succeed despite strong opposition from our enemies.

Anonymous said...

I like what you guys are doing keep banging.

Anonymous said...

whats up people of support, and of course offical members of N.B.O.B.A IM DROPING BY TO SAY HOWS IT GOING, AND STAY FOCUS.

Anonymous said...

"The time has passed for us to reclaim our once glorious position within worldly affairs" When in history have you had a position in worldly affairs?

Anonymous said...

"the more brain the more problems"
is this your analog of "mo' money, mo' prollem" ?

Anonymous said...

you have demonstrated that you are, indeed, racist

Anonymous said...

can you tell me how I have demonstrated I am a racist. Please be specific.