Thursday, October 27, 2005

NBOBA at Millions More Movement

On Saturday October 16th, the N.B.O.B.A's Wayne State Chapter Chief of Staff Dennis Thompson and President Darryl Tucker atteneded the historic Millions More Movement.
The atmosphere at the Movement was one of love and harmony as brothers and sisters from around the country gathered in unison to listen to our leaders address our concerns. Everyone was addressing each other with terms of honor and respect and there was an overall mindset of seriousness and positivity. Mr. Louis Farrakhan was the keynote speaker and once he reached the podium everyones eyes were glued into the big screen televisions. He spoke eloquently about our concerns as a peopole as well as providing strategic solutions for us to do within our respective communities. This was espicially fulfilling because it corroborated the mission of the N.B.O.B.A. involving actual action within the community. One will never cease to hear people articulate the ills within our commmunity but few are willing to roll up their sleeves and take action to bring change. With sincere love for yourself and your people this should come naturally. A great man, brother Malcom X once said "Power never takes a back step only in the face of more power", and power is a result of unification.



Anonymous said...

To all those who support us, thank you for your motivation. To all those who dislike and dispise us keep talking while we keep implementing action and positive change for OUR people.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Sheena the rapper you said you'd email...hope to hear from you soon!