Monday, October 10, 2005

A traitor amongst us

First of all let me say that the comments left by me on this site yesterday did not reflect the views of our organization as a whole. It only represented the views of certain high ranking officials including me, and I do not apologize for it. In addition I still stand by those comments. My only regret is we have to retalliate with words towards another Black person rather than use words to come together. However I must let it be known any time this organization is attacked in any way wether verbally,in manuscript, politically or otherwise there will be a swift and equitable response. Also official supporters and members do not forget about the mandatory meetig this Wednesday October 12 at 7p on the 3rd floor of the Purdy Kresgy Librbrary. I also still personally feel the female I wrote about who slandered our organization is still extremely misguided and a discredit to the Black community just like the pic on the left.


Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, even racists like you.

Anonymous said...

A Racist is a White Person who practices Racism(White Supremacy).

Thank you.
Non-White Person

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Actually this is what racism means.
2 entries found for racism.
rac·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

racist adj. & n.

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Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


n 1: the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races 2: discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race [syn: racialism, racial discrimination]

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

Out to educate,

9:28 AM

Anonymous said...
it doesn't specify "white" as the actor of the action.
So your definition, much like your world view and mind, is way too narrow.

9:29 AM

Anonymous said...
Actually, to insinuate that only whites are capable of racism is racist and you are being a racist.
So you the non-white person are a racist.

9:33 AM

Anonymous said...

The omnibus fee is part of our fees paid to this university, although not called tuition it is based on our enrolled credits and it was raised from a little over $14 to over $20. So I am helping to fund the metro car service and hotel room for Tupac's mom. Also her message is so important that she wants to get paid $15,000 in a matter of hours, what it would take me two years to make, Mr. Luwemba is speaking for free, But he has to have an audience, and who would come if he was the only one speaking? Besides his "partner Dennis". Or should I call him Number 13? "White-Washed" council, a little sore are we, what is the racial make-up of the council anyway? Oh that's right, their all blonde-haired, blue-eyed devils. Do you guys know that this is the 21st century, it's not 1972 anymore. Stop using racial politics and do something positive to all people, not just print books and sell them at your own speaking events that you're getting over 30,000 students to pay for through omnibus fees that are charged per credit hour. What if I started a national organization and had my cronies start up a wayne chapter, and asked John Rocker to come and talk, for 15,000 plus extra, where I also made reference to operation race restoration and called out black men romancing white woman. I guess I could print a book that the bookstores wouldn't sell and sell it there. I could of course set up a website and LITTER the campus would images of Ronald Reagon and George Wallace with my blogsite printed on them. Then either me or one of my "generals" could spraypaint the bathroom stalls of at least 2 campus bathrooms with my blogsite. Oh yeah, and I wouldn't be a racist either. Give me a break, by the way I have a term paper to write, it's 12 pages long, it has to do with short Napolean-complexed demagogues who are trying to make themselves bigger using racial politics. Apparently one of them ran for office, I was wondering how it turned out. Anyway is $50 alright?

Anonymous said...

Just in case you didn't know, but you probably would,

n : an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience [syn: demagog, rabble-rouser]

One world

Anonymous said...

When are you going to be done here anyway, is this your 8th year?

Anonymous said...

Top Twelve (12) Candidates will be seated as Student Council Member-At-Large Reps on May 12, 2005.
(1,314 students voted)

1 Ashley Berry 534
2 Shante Boozer 485
3 Ladan Ali 464
4 Tiny Sebastian 459
5 Nipa Begum 437
6 Tamaria Dewdney 434
7 Anthony Almeida 420
8 Daniel Garas 403
9 Rami Touma 402
10 Maria N. Ramos 398
11 Demond Childers 362
12 Darryl Tucker 344

13!!!!Dennis Thompson 335

One world

Gabriel said...

for you with the long paragraph how about $100.00

Anonymous said...

To hell with all you devils who hatin on these brothers. I think you devils are just scared because maybe, just maybe they are prepared to go to the extent your Devil ancestors did to take this country. have you ever thought about maybe they have the same mentality George Washington or even Bush got but just for the progress of Black people instead of whites.

Anonymous said...

My ancestors came over here later, much later. Having the same mentality, that's what I'm afraid of, a bunch of dumb ass people trying to overthrow goliath with their street weapons, trash detroit again, why not? Kill Whitey!! Argh, Pathetic you would be slaughtered, and then taken another giant step back, showing everyone in the world what black people do, it's so stupid and ignorant, Your not the black Tyler Durden, so, why are you so mad, there's no Jim Crow, there are plenty more poor whites than poor blacks, there's affirmative action, a united negro college scholarship,....Can I get a united caucasian college scholarship? So what issue do you take grievance with?

Anonymous said...

White Supremacy(Racism) still exist...

That's the issue I take grievance with...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like to strike the last comment from the record.

Anonymous said...

Racism bespeaks oppression. There is not, nor has there ever been a black person in America with the power to stifle the progress of the whites who created this society for themselves, therefore it is impossible for black people to be racist. Since there has been so much quotation of brother Malcolm, he also said that "Asking a black person if they hate white people is like asking the sheep if he hates the wolf. . . like asking the raped if they hate the rapist." The attitude of blacks toward whites is solely reactionary. There is no equality in this so called "land of the free." As I'm sure you know, we are not so far removed from a time when blacks were persecuted simply for being black. Forty years ago we were still being lynched, which means the men in power today are either the perpetrators, or the children of those that committed these race crimes. Six years ago in New York, Amadou Diallo, a black man, was shot 19 times while reaching for his wallet. Had there been centuries of discrimination, oppression, and racism of whites by blacks, I'm sure caucasions would not be so easily turned toward the idea of "love thy dark-skinned brother," so it isn't difficult to understand the anger. The stereotypes associated with black people are more negative than any other minority group in America. Worse than this, many of us continue to portray ourselves in a light that sustain these stereotypes. These truths voice that there is a NEED for an organization dedicated toward the advancement of BLACK people, not the human race, for it is us who are steadily falling behind. Unification and preservation are the messages of Ms. Shakur as well as the NBOBA, not "kill whitey" as has been stated. Those that are against these principles for black people should reconsider slinging slanderous terms such as "racist" and take a look at themselves. The only sort of individual who would ask a black man "Why are you so mad?" is ignorant to his struggle, because of an inability or an unwillingness to open their eyes, and should excercise silence.

A Black Man

Anonymous said...

Racism, pure and simple is making assumptions about people based solely on the color of their skin. It is wrong. Many people do it, just because i'm white doesn't mean I fornicate with my sister, and just because your black doesn't mean you're going to rob me. I understand many people do not see it that way, but you must keep on keeping on. I agree that, "The stereotypes associated with black people are more negative than any other minority group in America. Worse than this, many of us continue to portray ourselves in a light that sustain these stereotypes". But worse than that is this (oreo/uncle Tom/sambo) business. People have the right to live the way they want. Judge not....

Anonymous said...

What you say is fine and dandy, but your by any means implications our not right. Black rage, and all that stupid afro-centric separtism. Do you want your own Liberia? Anyway, there is no such thing as race. Maybe if we say it enough times it will actually be true.

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous coward who decided to leave us the student council results in which we obviously already know.... We all are paying an omnibus fee as students and we might not all attend every single event that the money goes to so get over it. Every event is not for you just like most events are not for me. But this is why NBOBA is here, to uplift positive african americans who have the best intrest of the black race in mind. Myself and several others are very pleased that Afeni Shakur will be here speaking. Did you not see the turn out at the student council meeting when the budget was being passed? You dont sound to bright by having so many negative comments about an event that has been highly sucessful for the past three years. Can you say the same for an event you have put together? Why are you so anonymous? Don't want to put a name behind your words?

Anonymous said...

You have some big name for people to come out to. Last year you had what, 100 people show up? Next year why not have P, Diddy come out, or even Michael Moore, they both did a lot better.
As for me, No need to for white devil or honkey or cracker to try to show up on the southend, despite them being so whitewashed and all, as they do find space to run your president's repsonses. As for the council, you got want you wanted from them, you had a bunch of people from a class given extra credit to go and intimidate them. I wonder how many of them will show up in November? Is the Instructor going to give extra credit or whatever as well?


Anonymous said...

Actually Pluribus in 2002 their were 600, 2003, their were 700, and last year their were 450.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nambia to say I am not a real Afrikan shows you to have been a victim of the status quo. Do not worry though Your citizenship is not at risk so you do not have to kiss the ass of your European puppet masters. Oh yeah my father is form Uganda and mother from Liberia, I was born in Uganda I think I qualify. You are a true House nigga.

Anonymous said...

Is your Father Idi Amin?

Anonymous said...

Such a discredit that you use it, huh. You are such a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

This word nigger means nothing to me. White people never call me this only you a black man. I am going to be a chemist and return to my country to help my people. You are going to stay here and complain about how unfairly you are treated. Respect is earned not taken. If it is taken it is not respect it is fear and that is not true respect. You are obviously young and have much to learn. It is too bad you have turned hate into a buisness because that does not benifit anyone.

Anonymous said...

What dat nigga talkin bout. I be educated hell I even gots my GED. I works all day for my money and I gonna buy me a caddy with some 20's on it. Gold rimmed wif a boomin system. den I's gonna drive me around wif my fif O Gin and a splif picken me up some nigga bitches den er really gots a party goin on up in here!

Anonymous said...

YEAH wait wait when we gets our reparations from our great great great grandparents bein slaves an all....I'm gonna buy me a white butler an I gonna call him slave and he gonna answer to yes massa and shit. dunbass whitey thinks he can get away with all dat slavin they done back then. There's gonna come a day when they must pay the man and I am the man. I been harrassed and its demeanin'. I should sue whitey for all his money cracker mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

Slave..shit man you are still a slave to the man. It's all white mans falt we be such a fucked up race. It's all white mans falt. My great grandfather was a poor nigga sittin there doing nothin when here comes whitey picken him up and carryin him off to pick cotton in some crackers field. rapin our women and shit. if I had a gun I would shoot whitey dead. I wish someone would shoot whitey dead

Anonymous said...

Mohammed Luwemba you are misguided and only serve to profit from hate.

Anonymous said...

I came to this website to get information about the Afeni Shakur lecture and just happened to be interested in some of the things that people may be discussing about the issues facing African-American people today. I guess I should not be shocked at what I have read, but I am. It seems to me that there is such a focus with the young black minds to place blame on one side or the other without looking for a solution to the problem. America would reach a new level of debt to repay what was done to African-Americans when they journeyed on the Middle Passage. It cannot be changed, rewritten and for some people, it is not even forgivable. But, it is time to move on. There are groups of people that have been wronged by many white men in history, but so many people manage to move on. They tell their stories to whomever will listen, educate their children and encourage each other to keep moving. Why does the black race continue to fall behind? Because, we have not learned to move on. It doesn't mean that we forget our past. No, it means that we let our past make the path for our future. Has it been so long ago that we do not remember our parents and for some of us, our grandparents, marching, being hosed and mistreated for our right to vote? The same right that many of our young black youth do not even take advantage of. We hear it all the time, but yet there is no action to change it. It's time for us to move on from our past. It is a part of who we are, but it is not all of us entirely. It's time to stop being angry, and focusing on blame rather than progress. Our children have no leaders to look up to. They should be able to see their parents, their clergy, neighbors and mentors as heroes who are striving to make a difference. It doesn't have to be a big thing. What about keeping your word to your fellow man or even standing firm on a belief? What about teaching patience, love, honesty, forgiveness through action and not just words? What about turning off the t.v., radio and Playstation to discuss the stories of our history so that our children learn to embrace it and love who they are instead of hating and blaming someone else for what they cannot be (as some of them tend to believe). I am no expert about living well and I will even admit that the blood that flows through my veins has a variety of cultures mixed in, but I am proud of what I am in every part and I hold my head high. I love saying that I am African-American. I don't look at it as a way to blame someone for what I have not received. Nor do I look to expect any special treatment because of it. It is my blessing that I have a rich history of wonderful, successful people. I also have values and a story to tell about where my people have been and where they are going.

Racism is a product of hatred and hatred is a product of fear. You fear what you do not understand. People discriminate everyday whether they want to or not or even believe that they are. You look at someone who is different than you and you question. Racism places power behind that discrimination that feeds a fire that turns into belief system that as everyone knows can cause a world of pain, despair and turmoil. This is not a problem than can be fixed overnight. I know that, but if we are talking about the state of the black youth in the New Millenium, I think there has to be some understanding about those two words and how they can adjust their lives and start making changes to forge forward with their futures. We live in a time, where young people do not even know about the movie "Roots" or the "Color People". They have never heard of Alex Haley or Zora Neal Hurston. If we cannot pass on our rich history, then you cannot expect anyone else to do it for you. But if our young children see nothing but a constant bicker about the past with no solution for the future, eventually they will lose interest. I feel sorry for anyone that cannot see the importance of moving forward. I don't know if my comments are helpful and maybe I have made no positive effects on anyone, but I hope that someone will understand that whatever is decided, it's time to do something different than lashing out about those things that cannot be changed.