Please continue to leave whatever you would like on this blog in regards to the activities of the NBOBA. The more positivity we get the better. The more negativity even better, because it just corroborates the fact that many Europeans along with their negroe lackeys and others who are mentally white washed hate to see Black men with an uncompromising passion and love for our people. The negative comments also helps us gain more members and supporters because they see we are being attacked because we love our people. I know Black people uniting and not compromising when it comes to our advancement in all realms of society makes mentally, and physically deficient people extremely scared and that is great. By the way I am not at all hard to find please come to meet me outside the mosque on Cass and Forest every Friday at 2:15pm and I will be happy to chat with anyone who has something to say to me.
Your rhetoric, is uncompromising. I have no hatred for Black men, they should be free and proud, but not because they're black, but because LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS WHOLE WORLD they have minds and the capacity to help mankind, not sit up on some bully pulpit hating whitey, that is not a very productive activity. Actually you remind me of a lot like Malcolm X, some of the stuff he said I totally agree with, like yourself, but a lot of what he said was garbage, he later came to change his mind, are you going to do the same? To point out a couple of particulars, interracial relationships-love conquers all, but too many bigots out there try to impose their will on everybody else, I don't segregate you, so don't segregate me. Your stance on homosexuality is also very known and also very deplorable. We are all in this together, but you are in the corner plotting with your "army". There are less people out to get black people than there are black people out to get black people, like your sambo picture, that's bullshit and you know it. you are as black and exploited as you want to be. She has a right to say the money could have been better used, but you villify her as some race traitor, when there actually is no such thing as race. Well, except the human race. I express this to you with the hope that you are still rational, despite your rhetorical masturbations. I would like to think you, like Malcolm X will change your mind about some of the things you have said, maybe even a wriiten letter to the South End, to apologize to Jasti Simmons for your remarks about her on this site and in your letter to the editor.
One world
I don't Hate White People, I just wish they would stop practicing White Supremacy(Racism).
God Bless...
I agree that there are white supremists out there, and I think they are a bunch of ignorant people that I would rather not share a planet with.But I feel the same way of supremists of any color. I just don't understand your "strong" disapproval of black women having relationships with white men. There is a big disparity you know. It seems racist and/or sexist.
Under a system of White Supremacy(Racism), there is no such thing as "black","brown","red", etc. Supremacy...
The only FUNCTIONAL Supremacy on this planet is White Supremacy.
I didn't get the memo. Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Michael Jordan, Oprah Whinfrey, Alan Keyes,............................................................................................................................................................ I sorry there is some big conspiracy out there keeping you down.
I don't know about the "big conspiracy" thing....
I do know White People are still in charge of how this world is run...
To all:
Thank you all for taking time out of your obviously busy life to respond to our blogspot. To the well-wishers, we thank you for your support and continue to keep us in your prayers. To all the naysayers and all of those who dispise us, and seek our demise, we thank you even more, because without you, we'd seek to function due to lack of motivation. So keep all of your feedback coming, and please, for those of you all who have things to say, especially negative, please seek me our, instead of hiding behind a computer screen. I'm not very hard to find and I'm very easily identifiable-just look for that sexy Kappaman they call Kampain.
Dennis Thompson
I love Black people, you just like to insinuate that I'm talking about them, when I'm only talking about you. A bunch of 20 somethings running around intimidating people with their hyper-masculinity. I do agree with a lot of what you say, I just don't agree with the exclusionary principles your arguments start from. Their should be more "black" everything; scientists engineers, doctors,... But this has to be an individual thing, or else it's just redifining racial identity, which is not a bad thing, it's just the wrong thing. You're wanting all black people to think and act alike, while you the good sheperds keep them in line, but everyone of us is an individual.
Its amazing to me how many people really believe that rasicm doesn't exist! To the individual who feels like only "white supremancy" exist. Come on! Rascism is every where among every race of people. Just today a Arab called a white woman "white trash" on WSU campus. So wake up people!Its nothing wrong in having pride in your race, culture, religion...etc. Anyway .....its sad that our own Black (African American) what ever you want to call yourself people don't believe that their very own
white boss or class mate calls them a nigger when the get home among their other white counterparts or family. So really I ask for my brothers and sisters to wake UP!
I am curious, I love my African American brothas and sistas. However, at WSU there is much separtism among us as a race. I'm sure that you may have observed this too! Some of us act as though that since we belong to a university, that we moved on up(like the Jeffersons). And we look down on our own. We must learn that we are all in this thing together. Therefore, If you see a brotha or sista walking down the hall,don't be afraid to acknowledge their presence. We all know that we were raised better than that. We must stay motivated, get educated, and get compensated.
peace & respect-- is there still a movement to go to the Millions More Movement from Wayne Campus?
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