Friday, January 27, 2006

Help the N.B.O.B.A. help our people

The NBOBA inc is going about an on going clothing and canned food drive to help our community. These are basic human needs that unfortunately are not being met by far to many of our people. You can assist us in aiding the less fortunate by donating canned food and clothes you do not need to our cause. Canned food and clothes can be dropped off at Unique Designs in the Student Center Building 1st floor.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Africana Studies and N.B.O.B.A. United we stand

The Wayne State University department of Africana Studies under the leadersip of Dr. Melba Boyd will be hosting a number of exciting and informative events for Black History month, which will touch on relevent on going concerns pertaining to Black America, and the Black Diaspora historically, and at the present. The NBOBA supports all events hosted by the department of Africana Studies, and encourages all students to attend the events below. The NBOBA will also be hosting several events in February that will compliment the Africana Studies Department current programming. For more info contact the office of Africana Studies @313-577-2321 or the nboba inc @

2006 Black History Month Calendar
Department of Africana Studies
February 8, 12:00 PM
Racial Politics and Commercial Labor: The West Indian Immigrant Worker Experience in Puerto Rico, 1800-1850
Prof. Jorge Chinea, Chicano Boricua Studies and the Department of History
Presentation and Book signing
Community Room, Third Floor, Adamany Undergraduate Library
Brown Bags welcome. Light Refreshments served.
February 8, 7:00 PM
“The Black Panther Party and Black Consciousness”
Prof. Charles Jones, Georgia State University
Author of The Black Panther Party Reconsidered
Ron Scott, Media Journalist, Host of “For My People,” former founding member of
the Detroit Chapter of the Black Panther Party
Bernath Auditorium, Law School Building
February 9, 10:00 AM
“Developments in Africana Studies”
Prof. Charles Jones, Georgia State University,
Vice President of the National Council for Black Studies
103 Old Main
February 15, 6:00 PM
“Socially Conscious Exhibit”
Prof. Charles Simmons, Eastern Michigan University
Exhibit in David Adamany Undergraduate Library Atrium
Prof. Charles Simmons and Dr. Grace Lee Boggs, Detroit Activist and Writer
Reception and Presentation: Community Room, Adamany Undergraduate Library
February 16, 10:30 AM
Prof. Charles Simmons, Eastern Michigan University
Bernath Auditorium, Adamany Undergraduate Library
February 22, 12:30
“Afro-Brazilian Politics: Challenges and Opportunities”
Prof. Ollie Johnson, Department of Africana Studies
2339 FAB
March 1, 7:00 PM
“Reading Black History /Women’s History”
Melba Joyce Boyd, author of The Province of Literary Cats
Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Africana Studies, WSU
Opal Moore, author of Lot’s Daughter,Associate Professor, Spelman College
Leslie Reese, author of Urbanjunkstar, Columbia College of Art
Bernath Auditorium, Adamany Undergraduate Library

Co-sponsors: The Center for Chicano Boricua Studies, Department of English, Department of History, WSU Humanities Center
and Springfed Arts-Metro Detroit Writers,

Sunday, January 08, 2006


This year the NBOBA will not only be focusing on community developement and unity but also an increasing amount of business ventures. In February 2006 we will be releasing the audio book the "Elite Brother" by Mohammed Luwemba, which will explain the new philosophy of the Elite brothers of the NBOBA and progressive brothers world-wide. Also we will be releasing products from our new clothing line. ORR Clothing Co; in order to further expand our Operation Race Restoration initiative. On Friday February 17th, 2006 we will be hosting our 3rd Young Black & Ambitious Party at Club Envy upstairs. The Weekly Unity groups are back in full effect every Friday beginning January 13th at 7pm in the Student Center Building Basement, room 16.