Sunday, January 08, 2006


This year the NBOBA will not only be focusing on community developement and unity but also an increasing amount of business ventures. In February 2006 we will be releasing the audio book the "Elite Brother" by Mohammed Luwemba, which will explain the new philosophy of the Elite brothers of the NBOBA and progressive brothers world-wide. Also we will be releasing products from our new clothing line. ORR Clothing Co; in order to further expand our Operation Race Restoration initiative. On Friday February 17th, 2006 we will be hosting our 3rd Young Black & Ambitious Party at Club Envy upstairs. The Weekly Unity groups are back in full effect every Friday beginning January 13th at 7pm in the Student Center Building Basement, room 16.


Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I could have made the meeting on the 4th. Sounds like alot was accomplished. I'm liking the new color scheme too!

Anonymous said...

Moe, what's tha deal? This is Taz, I told you I was going to get at you. I'm a man of my word & always will be just like yourself. But dig, on somethin more serious, I've been working on my poetry & I want somewhere for me to do it at. I want to be heard on damn near every aspect. If I do get a chance this will be my first time. But I want to do this. It's my dream & passion besides makin money!!! Can u look out for me? I'm tryin to go to the Meetary Eatery tonight. Get at me 313-825-6692 (Taz M. Devil)